如您有任何疑問請洽03-366-7382 分機213 涂小姐,謝謝。
  1. Health insurance.
  2. Free meals.
  3. Employee dividends.
  4. Job performance bonus.
  5. Free annual health check-up.
  6. Free uniforms.
  7. Provision of retirement reserves.
  8. Employee education and training.
  9. Enjoy special leave after working for 6 months.
  10. Employee referral job bonus.
  11. Three festival gift money.
  12. The Employee Welfare Committee allocates employee welfare funds to handle welfare matters (monthly employee birthday parties and birthday allowances, maternity, wedding, and funeral allowances, hospitalization allowances due to illness, and hospitalization allowances for surgery).
  13. Annual Domestic Tourism Activities.
  14. Employees who work all year round will receive an annual perfect attendance award.
  15. Bonuses will be given to employees who have completed three, five, ten, fifteen, twenty and twenty-five years in the year.